PT. Jaya Alam Persada (Jaya Mika) besides being the best distributor of Acrylic Adiwarna Mika in Indonesia & Aluontop ACP distributor, we also sell the best products as below:
- Rigit PVC
- Lemas-rollan
- Orange skin
So besides selling PVC and PVC boards, we also sell Rigit PVC and others.
We sell the best PVC products based on decades of experience in the distributor field.
Jaya Mika is a distributor of acrylic Indonesia brand Adiwarna Mika & distributor of the best quality Aluontop brand ACP with low selling prices and sell other products for various industrial needs.
The advantage of Jaya Mika is the selling price of acrylic & ACP which is cheap (competitive) with the best quality, complete products & colors and a large and experienced distribution network.
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